These Web-based applications allow employers to enter Job Orders into the central job bank, where our applicant members can view or apply for them.
The administratable job lists these create allow the employer to edit jobs, close (when filled), record job specific interview questions, and manage the applications for each job.
There's a search program, which allows for the exact matching of jobs to applicants. Search parameters include applicant skills profiles: Hard skills, Soft skills, Certifications, Experience level, Jobs held, Industry experience and many General criteria, like education, etc.
And, like most internet job boards, a Resume keyword search program allows for the further refinement of an applicant-job match.

There's a simple to use rating system, for tracking each applicant's skills and ability to communicate, as these relate to each specific job.
There are a number of custom reports available to employers.
The system has page email and fax capability built in.
There's a completely illustrated help manual, instruction sections attached to most pages and an audio-video tutorial. Telephone system support is available during business hours (9AM - 5PM EST Weekdays) and 24/7 email support.
Applicants are presented to employers by means of their postcard.

Postcards give an employer: the Applicant Resume, Cover letter, References list, Job skills profile, an optional mock Video Interview and an E*Portfolio...

...which can consist of many other samples of applicant skills and capability (like Excel Spreadsheets, pdf files, voice and other data files, which can show job skill capability).
Our exciting new text-to-voice recorder allows employers to simply type, or cut and paste, job specific interview questions into the system. Applicants can then call in, hear and answer those questions. Then, in real time, employers can replay the answers on their computers. At that point, the employer can use the rating system to classify and filter the applications.
If you like what you've seen and heard, don't wait, sign up for your
free account, while they're still available.